3,2,1..and let the show begins..!

Hee Hee :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My First Endeavor

Tadaa..I welcome myself to the world of BLoG. As what the title is, this is my first endeavor in blogging..or in writing, specifically. I don't really have any interesting things in mind to write about..most probably just my thoughts, my feelings and things that are happening around me. So please bear with me yea? I'll try to make it as fun and interesting as possible. Well, atleast I'm gonna try, okay?

Oh by the way, this is a tribute to Kak Wan, for giving me d idea to create this blog (yerrr..pastu tak letak gambar linda kan?!) to Razee, my walking dictionary (I dun mind all d evil retorts, really..cos I know deep down in ur heart, u like having me around, rite?? haha..) and to Kak Eny, for just being U! :)

And this blog is especially dedicated to my beloved family..for always being there for me..through thick n thin..n supporting me throughout. And to my guardian angel, no matter where u are! *hmm..dh mcm menang award pulak?*

So now, I'm presenting..the "Absolutely Definitely Me". My very first blog which will definitely be filled with nonsense and gobbledygook! :P


Razee Salleh said...

Woot Woot! Welcome to the blogosphere. (And, yes, thank you for not taking to heart all those dissing you get from me, love doing it to you as you can take it very well!).

Unknown said...

i hope by year 2020, you will have the chance to compile all this and make it as thick as my "DUMMIES"... d most unforgetable teacher..

The Different Faces of ME!